What is USA to USA service?

Here you will find a list of products that we have now available to be sold from USA to USA and the rest of the world.
If you are in USA, the order should be on client's hands in about 3-5 business days, otherwise it could take about 10 business days.

How does it work?

It's very simple: Place the order and follow payment instructions, then our Shipping Department will process the order. After that you will have the tracking number in only 1 business day. Then, you should receive the product in less than 5 days (it usually takes only 2-3 business days).

Can I buy any products using USA to USA service?

NO, you only can buy the products listed under this section. In fact, quantity pills and prices are not the same if you buy the products from USA to USA than if you buy from India or Singapore to USA.

Can I exchange products from India or Singapore to this service?

NO, products bought from this section of our store, can be shipped from USA to USA only and NO OTHER products outside this section. The rest of our products should come from overseas as they usually do.

Very important note:

Due new Government strict restrictions we are shipping all Tramadol orders without the original package. We are shipping this product inside small bags because our priority has always been that you can receive your order without problems and we are sure this a good way to avoid them.

You could get TAPENTADOL 100mg in case we ran out of TRAMADOL 100mg's stock. TAPENTADOL is more expensive than TRAMADOL, but you would get it for the same price with no extra charge.

We guarantee the delivery of your order in all purchases shipped from USA to USA territory.

Orders sent from USA will arrive in about 3 to 5 business days to USA and between 15 to 20 days to the rest of the world.

  • No prescription required to buy medication No prescription required to buy medication
  • World wide shipping International Shipping (Worldwide)
  • Free Meds guaranteed shipping Discounts for recurring customers
  • Med Discrete packaging Discrete packaging: Blank description
  • Secure Online Pharmacy Payment processed with SSL Certificate
  • Pharmacy experts +10 years Pharmacy Experts
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